I am Locutus of Borg

I started using my new insulin pump yesterday evening, and have now been on the pump for over 24 hours! This is the biggest change in how I have been managing my diabetes in 39 years. Sara and I are still working with the pump training educator on zeroing in on the correct settings for me, but I seem to be doing better already this evening after a few small tweaks made this afternoon. Here are two shots showing what it looked like shortly after inserting the canula (tiny insulin delivery tube) into my side.
Insulin Pump Start - 1Insulin Pump Start - 2

I feel a bit Borg-ish or, going back even further in science fiction television history, a bit bionic. I’m hoping that this will allow me to keep my tight control, without as many low blood sugars as I have been having recently.

More to come, I am sure!